Our Give Christmas campaign is all about spreading joy during Christmas! And best of all, you can help! This is our opportunity to bless families around the world, and right here in our local area! Here are the three main projects we are involved in this Christmas:
- Operation Christmas Child (OCC)
- OCC is an international project that our local assembly is fully invested in. We collect shoeboxes full of items like toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to be distributed to children in need all over the world. Bethel is blessed to be the area collection centre for the Conception Bay North. You can click here for more details. Our goal will be announced for 2019.
- Give Christmas Fund
- We collect money every year to bless families and organizations who do the same during the Christmas season. You can help in one of two (2) ways: you can help fund the initiative (donate online [see below] or in person at Bethel), or let us know of a family that could use some joy this year and we will try to meet that need as funds allow.
- Hat & Mitt Drive
- On December 10th, 2017, our Sunday School will perform their Christmas program. We will have a Christmas tree set up to collect hats, mits and scarfs for the Helping Hand (our local food bank) to give out to the kids of those requesting a Christmas food hamper.
Give Christmas
$1,410 of $1,500 raised
For more information, please contact info@bethelbr.com